Monday, January 29, 2024

Bad Food, Bad Dog

Look at the ad below:

What is this an example of?

a. allusion
b. verbal irony
c. archetypes
d. dramatic irony
e. imagery

Scroll down for the answer.

The correct answer is:
d. dramatic irony - the guy is so smug.  He's sure he has the police beat!  But because he didn't feed his dog the right dog food, the dog is ratting him out behind his back.  He doesn't see the dog, but we (and the police) do!


  1. Claim: You really ought to buy our dog food.
    Data: After all, you don't want to go to prison do you?

    Backing: Your dog is hungry since it won't eat the junk you buy it. So hungry, in fact, that it's running around your multi-million dollar estate and digging up your murdered wife, looking for food that is actually tasty, and that's not good for your freedom.

    Warrant: One should always do what can to avoid incarceration.

    1. I like the smug look on the guy's face as he thinks he is getting away with it.
